Osteopathy and Arthritis
Osteopaths spend a large amount of their time dealing with the pain and suffering caused by arthritis. Many people mistakenly assume that arthritis is untreatable and that they must learn to live with their symptoms.
In many cases, osteopaths are able to help considerably. Pain relief and lifestyle management can dramatically improve the quality of life for arthritis sufferers.
What is Arthritis?
Broadly, arthritis may be divided into two types – degenerative and inflammatory.
Degenerative or OSTEOARTHRITIS is the commonest form. Sometimes called ‘wear and tear’, it is usually localised to a specific site such as the hips, knees or spine. Its classic features of pain, stiffness and restricted mobility may often be eased and improved with skilled osteopathic treatment.
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS is generally a systemic disease affecting not just the joints but the whole body. Like osteoarthritis it produces severe pain, stiffness and often deformity. Osteopathy may be helpful in addition to medication.

Treatment is aimed at improving mobility and reducing inflammation by using gentle, manual osteopathic techniques on joints, muscles and ligaments.
You will be given positive advice related to your lifestyle about how to use your body. Age is no barrier to osteopathy since each patient is considered individually and treatment is gentle.
You may also be given advice about your diet, which in some people may be a factor in their arthritis.
Exercises to do at home may also be prescribed to improve joint function and to reduce muscle spasm. Exercise in warm water or salt baths may also be recommended.
Osteopathy is not a cure-all and there are situations when surgery may be necessary, such as a hip replacement, when you will be referred to a specialist via your GP. However, osteopathy can help with rehabilitation after surgery.
Why Osteopathy?
Osteopathic treatment can do a great deal to reduce pain, ease swelling and improve mobility and range of joint movement.
There are many popular misconceptions about arthritis.
For example: ‘Degenerative change on x-rays means that nothing can be done. Pain killers or anti-inflammatories are the only answer’.
In fact, joint wear and tear is normal after the age of 35 and joint degeneration is not equivalent to pain. The osteopath may well require x-rays, blood tests or even MRI scans to assess the extent of your condition. Treatment is not painful and often, pain relief begins immediately.
You don’t necessarily have to live with any of these:
Neck pain
Low back pain
Hip pain
Early morning stiffness
Lack of mobility
Osteopaths treat patients with arthritis every day.
You may not have to put up with your pain
Osteopaths can advise on good posture
Osteopaths can help you with treatment and advise on self help
Osteopaths are highly skilled practitioners.
If you'd like to know more about how we can help with arthritis, or discuss a particular problem that you may have then please call Wadsworth Osteopaths now on our 24/7 central booking line: 01482 875004