Osteopathy for Babies and Children
Osteopathy is a safe and natural approach to healthcare for all life stages. Osteopaths are increasingly being asked to treat babies and children for complaints attributable to mechanical strains acquired before birth or during the birth process.
Visiting an Osteopath
When you take your child to an osteopath for the first time a full case history will be taken and he or she will be given an examination.
You will normally be asked to remove some of your child's clothing, so a simple series of movements can be observed.
The osteopath will then apply a highly developed sense of touch, called palpation, to identify any points of weakness or excessive strain throughout the body.
The osteopath may need additional investigations such as x-ray or blood tests. This will allow a full diagnosis and suitable treatment plan to be developed for your child. Osteopathy is patient centered, this means the treatment is geared for your child as an individual.

Osteopathy for Babies
The small amounts of movement that exist in the infant skull permit the baby’s head to adapt to the forces of labour. However when birth is complicated by being unduly slow or fast, or when other complications occur such as the need for a forceps delivery, the infant's head may not recover from the distortion. This may result in subtle changes in function leading to varied symptoms.
The gentle, skilful application of osteopathic treatment by an osteopath experienced in treating babies can often bring about a significant improvement in these distressing cases and is increasingly being considered as a treatment of choice for some conditions caused by a difficult or traumatic birth.

Osteopathy for Children
As children grow older, problems may become apparent which may have arisen because of earlier strains or as a result of trauma such as knocks on the head or falls.
Many osteopaths experienced in this field also consider that mechanical stresses on the body can be an important factor in cases of developmental delay such as delayed speech, educational difficulties and problems with coordination and physical development that have no particular medical diagnosis. Such children often make better progress once osteopathic treatment has been started.

Osteopathy for Teenagers
As young people grow up the body frame undergoes a number of changes. Osteopaths, with their highly developed sense of touch, can help the body framework adjust to the postural demands placed upon it. This may be due to a lack of adaptation of a slightly exaggerated spinal curve or to mechanical changes that occur in conditions such as osteochondritis. If these minor problems are left undiagnosed and untreated they may lead to problems in later life.
By analysing, treating and managing problems associated with growth, osteopaths make a major contribution to ensuring that young people become, and stay, fit and healthy.
Teenagers also take part in many sporting activities which carry the risk of sprains and strains. Skilful diagnosis and treatment by our osteopaths can prevent problems developing and allow the body’s framework to heal naturally and adjust to these stresses and strains.
If you'd like to know more then please call Wadsworth Osteopaths now on our 24/7 central booking line: 01482 875004